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react_perf/jsx-no-jsx-as-prop Perf ​

What it does ​

Prevent JSX elements that are local to the current method from being used as values of JSX props.

Why is this bad? ​

Using locally defined JSX elements as values for props can lead to unintentional re-renders and performance issues. Every time the parent renders, a new instance of the JSX element is created, causing unnecessary re-renders of child components. This also leads to harder-to-maintain code as the component's props are not passed consistently.

Example ​

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

<Item jsx={<SubItem />} />
<Item jsx={this.props.jsx || <SubItem />} />
<Item jsx={this.props.jsx ? this.props.jsx : <SubItem />} />

Examples of correct code for this rule:

<Item callback={this.props.jsx} />

References ​

Released under the MIT License.